„March Youths” National-Guard Association

For the Nation, since 1848.

About us

The National Guard was founded in 1848. Our association sees itself as the intellectual equivalent of that. We would like to open a way for people with the desire for higher values or for people with patriotic thinking, to give value to the concept of "Nation", based on the 1848 point of view. We would like to give opportunity and at the same time show what National Guards of all times is about.

We are aware that after 1848, the National Guard had fulfilled its purpose several times how it was required at those times.


For the Nation!

Once in a lifetime experience


Perfect way of relaxation

Getting to know the wilderness

National Guard lifestyle

175 years of history


Every donation that reaches us is an enormous help in maintaining our function

Your donation is greatly appreciated, you are helping our guardsmen.

  • OTP
    • IBAN: HU04 1173 5005 2606 9917 0000 0000


At an organisation level, it is  important for all our members to remember all the heroes, who gave their lives for the homeland, who died a heroic death, by name. Our organisation’s main focus is in the research, because we are currently trying to get to know our 175 years of history better. We are investigating especially the events of the 1848 revolution, because march 15 that year is when the National Guard was founded, which was the 5th demand on the 12 point.


e-mail: informacio@marciusiifjak.hu